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Re: getting eps graphics to take in pdf

On Sat, 21 Apr 2001, Jesse Goerz wrote:

> I haven't been able to get eps, ps, gif, or any other format to take in 
> an outputted pdf file.  

One trick is that you have generate a magic extension on the fly. You main
document begins with

<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN" [
  <!ENTITY % magic-entities SYSTEM "magic.sgml">


The file magic.sgml depends on the format, you wish to convert to, so you
have to generate it on the fly. For pdf magic.sgml should contain:
<!ENTITY magic "png">
For ps it should be
<!ENTITY magic "eps">

When you include an image, you do:

<figure id="fig-xyz">
  <graphic fileref="xyz.&magic;" scale="45"></graphic>

This trick can be packed into a Makefile with targets for the formats, and
you can then easily convert your document by typing "make ps" and "make


Kenneth Geisshirt, Ph.D.   mailto:kenneth@geisshirt.dk
Grondals Parkvej 2A, 3.    http://kenneth.geisshirt.dk
DK-2720 Vanlose                        +45 38 87 78 38

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