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Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: variable import hrefs?

/ Mark Johnson <mark@phy.duke.edu> was heard to say:
| Norman Walsh writes:
| > / Mark Johnson <mark@phy.duke.edu> was heard to say:
| > |
| > | For xsl stylesheets, is there a way to set import hrefs at runtime?
| > |
| > | i.e. something having this effect:
| > |   <xsl:import href="{$my_stylesheet_home}/xhtml/docbook.xsl"/>
| > 
| > No, you can't do that.
| > 
| > The catalog-based URIResolver class would let you redirect this in a
| > catalog. Would that solve your problem, or is there something deeper
| > going on?
| > 
| That'll work if we implement the user $HOME/.catalog part of the lsb
| proposal:
|  http://www.linuxbase.org/spec/gLSB/gLSB/sgmlr003.html

The catalog classes I'm trying to get published use a
CatalogManager.properties file to set default values for things like
what catalogs to load.

If you want something more dynamic than that, uhm, what do you want,

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | What is familiar is what we are used
http://nwalsh.com/            | to; and what we are used to is most
                              | difficult to 'Know'--that is, to see as
                              | a problem; that is, to see as strange,
                              | as distant, as 'outside us'.--Nietzsche

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