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Re: Not quite a SGML question, but... (fwd)

Kendall Clark kindly forwarded me this message since I'm not a
subscriber to the debian-sgml list.

Re: Quilt

Quilt is not being actively maintained right now, partly pending the
completion of a rewrite of the underlying XML/SGML modules.  It's also
possible that newer XML/SGML tools will make Quilt unnecessary.  Quilt
had one primary feature that is not (yet) common in most XSL, DSSSL,
or other style packages: Quilt was centered around the idea of
converting ``other'' DTDs to one loosely structured DTD for documents,
and then formatting _that_.  This could easily be done with XSLT, for
example, but no one seems to be taking that approach and building a
package around it.

If somebody would like to pick up development of Quilt, please feel
free to contact me.  Current developments in libxml-perl and XML-Grove
would make Quilt much simpler.  It's available on a public CVS server,
password `anonymous':


Re: SGML-Grove and SGML-SPGroveBuilder

SGML-Grove and SGML-SPGroveBuilder are effectively obsoleted by the
libxml-perl and XML-Grove packages (yes, it still supports SGML!).  I
highly recommend people use libxml-perl and XML-Grove-alpha instead of
SGML-Grove and SGML-SPGroveBuilder.  Most importantly, it now just
uses nsgmls (XML::ESISParser) instead of trying to compile and link
against SP.


The libxml-perl equivalent to SGMLSpm is XML::ESISParser.  If you're
just using them as a direct interface to nsgmls, the basic difference
between them is that you call SGMLSpm using $parser->next_event to
retreive each event whereas XML::ESISParser calls you for each event.

Beyond that, XML::ESISParser is more easily interfaced to other
generic modules.  There are several modules in libxml-perl that work
with both XML::ESISParser and XML::Parser::PerlSAX.  XML::Grove can
receive events from any parser to build it's grove (via
XML::Grove::Builder).  More modules are just starting to appear.

  Ken MacLeod

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