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Re: Docbook

>Theorem: for every positive integer N, there is a TeX file which needs N 
>passes to be properly processed.
>Proof: experience with TeX.
>> In the boot-floppies/documentation area I have a kinda
>> elaborate way to invoke TeX -> dvi tools in exactly the right number
>> of times.
>Thanks, I'll try it.

Note that if you have n-stable runs of TeX, where n > 2, then my
system will hit the maximum recursion.  By 'n-stable', I mean cases
where the .aux file doesn't settle at all, but rather alternates
between two or more states:

  pdfjadetex foo.tex
        foo.aux = 32104 bytes
  pdfjadetex foo.tex
        foo.aux = 32106 bytes
  pdfjadetex foo.tex
        foo.aux = 32104 bytes
  pdfjadetex foo.tex
        foo.aux = 32106 bytes

I am able to handle the case where n = 2.

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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