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Re: Docbook

Stephane Bortzmeyer <bortzmeyer@pasteur.fr> writes:
> policy.dvi: policy.tex
> 	jadetex $<
> 	jadetex $<

This isn't very robust -- sometimes it's too much, sometimes not
enough.  In the boot-floppies/documentation area I have a kinda
elaborate way to invoke TeX -> dvi tools in exactly the right number
of times.

%.pdf:	%.tex
	-cp -pf prior.aux pprior.aux
	-cp -pf $(shell basename $< .tex).aux prior.aux
	kpsewhich pdflatex.fmt > /dev/null
#	 due to a bug in debiandoc2latex2e output, this might fail
	-pdflatex '\nonstopmode\input{$<}'
	set -e								;\
	if ! cmp $(shell basename $< .tex).aux prior.aux &&		\
	   ! cmp $(shell basename $< .tex).aux pprior.aux &&		\
	   expr $(MAKELEVEL) '<' $(MAX_TEX_RECURSION); then		\
		rm -f $@						;\
		$(MAKE) $@						;\
	rm -f prior.aux pprior.aux

That will recurse as often as necessary.

> 	-rm -f dump.html

This is a pet peeve because I'm a virgo, I guess.  rm -f won't fail,
so the use of '-rm' is redundant, and not what you want.  It works of

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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