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Re: ITP: xslj, a XSL processor (XSL is one of the stylesheet format of XML)

In message <[🔎] 199906271956.VAA06930@ludwigV.sources.org> you wrote:
>On Sunday 27 June 1999, at 14 h 0, the keyboard of Adam Di Carlo 
><adam@onshore.com> wrote:
>> Finally, I
>> agree with Stallman than Scheme is a nicer, easier, cleaner language
>> than pretty much anything out there. 

>I know Scheme myself but it didn't help me for DSSSL which is difficult to 
>grasp, even for a Scheme programmer.

Well, actually, DSSSL *is* scheme, just scheme run within a certain
environment, given a grove document model, and with certain procedures
and variables defined.  The beauty of lisp and it's derivatives (such
as scheme) is that you can extend the language very easily.  Interested
readers should see the book "On Lisp" by, uh, Paul Graham I think, which
talks about how rather than building applications, developers should 
build new languages on top of lisp.  You might not agree, but worth
serious consideration.

Anyhow, Stephane, you win and I lose, since the world *has* seem to have
decided that DSSSL is too wierd (hence the XSL effort, which involves
many of the major players in DSSSL).  But I can only hope you will perhaps
give *some* heed to my intermittant rants about how

  * really DSSSL is not that hard to learn, it just suffers from
    lack of documentation -- the Spec is pretty good reading, well,
    most of it, but there really is very little documentation on
    groves which take you far enough...

  * there *are* people working to address the flaws in DSSSL and in
    jade, and they deserve a hearing, and a chance with an open mind,
    when and if they produce stuff (see 

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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