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Re: resurrecting sgml-base

>>"Stephane" == Stephane Bortzmeyer <stephane@sources.org> writes:

 Stephane> Do you/we intend to follow the proposed standard? If so, we
 Stephane> should start right now, if we want to be ready for potato's
 Stephane> freeze. If not, I would be interested to hear opinions
 Stephane> pro/against this move.
        I heard that the proposed standard was moribund, and that
 there are issues with the standard. If that is the case, we should
 pick and choose the good points of the proposal, and not constrain
 ourselves to the standard per se.

 This is the Baron.  Angel Martin tells me you buy information.  Ok,
 meet me at one a.m. behind the bus depot, bring five-hundred dollars
 and come alone.  I'm serious! "The Rockford Files"
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
Key C7261095 fingerprint = CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E

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