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Re: Help: gnome-doc-tools

Jules Bean writes:

> I'd be very grateful if someone could download the package and check
> it out, then hit me over the head with a cluebat and tell me what I've 
> done wrong!

Hi Jules, 

I did get a chance to look over your gnome-doc-tools (gdt) package,
but haven't tested it yet. (I'm sure it would work :-)

Since the debian SGML packages are migrating to a new directory
structure - the debian implementation of the Linux Standard Base
XML/SGML spec - you should make some changes to your package.

(BTW, the latest draft of the debian LSB implementation is at:
   http://people.debian.org/~mrj/sgml-policy-draft/ it has some basic
 policy stuff about where package should put things, etc.)

I apologize in advance if you find the following explanations
confusing, some parts of the new layout are quite different from the
/usr/lib/sgml/ structure. Your feedback is encouraged.

Here are some of the things I caught:

a. install location of dtd & stylesheets
- Use /usr/share/sgml/docbook/custom/gnome-doc-tools/
  (instead of /usr/share/sgml/dtd/gnome-doc-tools/)

Rationale: both gdt dtds are customizations of dtds in the docbook
package, so they go under docbook, in the custom subdir, in their own
directory. Ditto for the stylesheet:


You can still put the GNOME dir in /usr/share/sgml/ for the FPI ->
path mapping, but the symlinks will now point to different places

b. catalog file

- path entries in the catalog file should be relative to the location of
  the catalog file itself, like so:

 PUBLIC "-//GNOME//DTD DocBook PNG Variant V1.0//EN" "png-support-3.0.dtd"

c. maintainer scripts & catalogs 
(see docbook-xml for examples)

Due to the new catalog structure, your postinst needs to put your
catalog data in two additional places:

 1. create a new file (centralized catalog) named /etc/sgml/${PACKAGE}.cat
    that has CATALOG entries pointing to your catalog file. 

    The "update-catalog" script will do this for you:

     update-catalog --quiet --add /etc/sgml/gnome-doc-tools.cat  \

 2. add an entry for your new centralized catalog to the "super catalog".
    Again, done by "update-catalog" 

    update-catalog --quiet --add --super /etc/sgml/gnome-doc-tools.cat

Again, docbook-xml has examples for using the scripts.

You'll also want to keep an eye on the docbook-stylesheets
package. When it changes to the /usr/share/sgml/ layout, you'll wanna
update the paths in gdp-both.dsl.

Please pardon any mistakes...

Thanks for keeping up.


> The provisional stuff is at http://people.debian.org/~jules
> Many thanks for any help you can give,
> Jules
> --  
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Mark Johnson
Senior Lecturing Fellow
111 Physics Bldg., Box 90305
Department of Physics 
Duke University
Durham, NC 27708-0305
(919) 660-2504  Fax: (919) 660-2525   

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