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Re: Reaction to potential PGP schism


Personal view here.

Stephan Verbücheln <verbuecheln@posteo.de> wrote on 14/12/2023 at 11:29:17+0100:

> [[PGP Signed Part:No public key for 603542590A3C7C62 created at 2023-12-14T11:29:17+0100 using EDDSA]]
> Hello everyone
> As you probably know, Debian relies heavily on GnuPG for various
> purposes, including:
> - developer communication
> - signing of tarballs and patches
> - automated processes such as update validation by APT
> The OpenPGP Working Group at IETF is currently working on a new
> standard.
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-openpgp-crypto-refresh/
> Due to different opinions, some people (including notably the GnuPG
> team) have quit the IETF Working Group and proposed their own LibrePGP
> standard.
> https://librepgp.org/
> Notably remaining in the IETF Working Group are people from Proton Mail
> (maintaining OpenPGP.JS) and Sequoia PGP (free implementation in Rust).
> The disagreements are about details such as algorithms and file formats
> which make both standards incompatible.
> How can Debian deal with this?

By doing nothing.

> Should Debian intervene to prevent the worst?



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