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Iceweasel ESR 10 security update.


Whether the Iceweasel 10.0.11 ESR package can be updated a little faster due
to several security issues? On January 8 Mozilla published about 20
Security Advisories[1]. Many distributions already have updated Firefox to the
latest 18 and 10.0.12 ESR versions[2].
According to the website for developers
Iceweasel is too young in the so-called Testing Migration process.
At this point it's only 3 of 10 days.

The fact is that the new Firefox (Iceweasel) version/update fixes many security
problems. Most of the impact for these vulnerabilities were classified as Critical.
So, is there any chance to push update for Wheezy and Squeeze-Backports
a little faster?
Why wait so many days in such an important moment?

Best regards!

[1] https://www.mozilla.org/security/known-vulnerabilities/firefox.html
[2] Ubuntu, RedHat, Mandriva and many more...

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