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Re: Version Numbers in DSAs

ccing you, as I don't know if you're subscribed.
* Alex Page <alex.page@uk.ibm.com> [2009-08-14 14:38]:
> Is it possible to include the epoch in the version number reported in the 
> DSA, so it matches the actual version field of the Debian package which 
> includes the fix? I presume this is simply a bug in the automated DSA 
> issuing process...

I just checked the dak code that fills out the version in 
the advisory. The problem with it is that dak uses the 
version extracted from the file names and as the epoch is 
just internally used but not in the file names it doesn't 
know about the epoch at this point. This is also the reason 
why the unstable version for DSA-1847-1 is correct, dak also 
doesn't know about the unstable version, this version has 
been filled in manually.

I currently see no way to fix this to be honest rather than 
not using any of these versions automatically. I CCed Joerg 
who maintains this dak code to my knowledge.

Joerg, is there any way dak could know about these version 
numbers or can't it by design? If so, any idea why the 
epochs are not included in the file names?


Nico Golde - http://www.ngolde.de - nion@jabber.ccc.de - GPG: 0xA0A0AAAA
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