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Re: sendmail & localhost rDNS


#Lupe Christoph wrote:
On Monday, 2009-08-10 at 13:46:38 +0200, Thomas Liske wrote:

last week, there was an article on heise security about MTAs[1] which relay mails for hosts having a reverse resolution of 'localhost'. Doing a small test shows that sendmail on etch seems to be vulnerable, too. I need to have a localhost RELAY line in my access file (which is not default AFAIK).

Will there be a DSA on this issue, since it seems to turn Sendmail installations with allowed localhost RELAYing into Open Relays?

Are you saying you want a DSA for a package that does not have that
particular vulnerability, but allows a user to create it?

if an access line like:

Connect:localhost               RELAY

turns a MTA into an Open Relay than I would prefere a DSA, since the ACL implementation is broken IMHO.


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Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Liske
Netzwerk- und System-Design

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