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Re: 256-bit Camellia vs 256-bit AES - Which is better?

On Sat, Feb 14, 2009 at 6:19 AM, Chip Panarchy <forumanarchy@gmail.com> wrote:
> Which 256-bit encryption is the best? Camellia or AES?

>From the wikipedia article it seems they are the same as far as
strength goes, but Camellia is supposedly a little more efficient (ie
less/smaller cpu and that sort of thing).


Disclaimer: I am not a crypto person (I had a 6 month course in basic
crypto analysis about 10 years ago, I forgot most of it).

My understanding of a rainbow table is basically that you work out a
table of crypto-text words from a clear-text dictionary of some sort,
and then work backwards to decrypt portions of the original crypto
text. This usually works best for unsalted hashes because there is a
one to one relation, but even with salt added it is possible to work
out a table for every possible salt value (given a limited amount of
salts of course, or if you know the salt).

I was reading about A5 over the weekend (the encryption used in GSM)
and apparently that can also be cracked using rainbow tables because
the shift registers are too short. But looking at Camellia's "6224
equations in 3584 variables using 17920 linear and quadratic terms" I
think a rainbow table is pretty much out of the question.

According to the wikipedia article, the same theoretical method can be
used to crack both AES and Camellia "provided the attack becomes


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