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Re: Vulnerabilities not affecting Debian: reporting proposal


Alexander Konovalenko wrote:
> I couldn't find any existing solutions to the problem described
> above. The testing security team does publish some of the
> information in their Secure-testing-commits, but it lacks more
> verbose explanations and is more of a tool for team members than a
> source of information intended for the general public like Debian
> Security Advisories.

do you know the web interface to these svn commits at 
http://security-tracker.debian.net/tracker ? If you already have the 
CVE id, you can easily get all the information there. The 
explanations for not-affected could be more verbose sometimes, but I 
think in general they are sufficient.

There is no feed for this information, but if you want to be 
up-to-date about the packages you use, you should look at the 
debsecan package (though that does not give you information about 


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