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Re: Debian bind DNS

On Sun, May 07, 2006 at 08:19:31PM +0200, martin wrote:
> I have built a local DNS server bind (Debian Sarge).The DNS should
> accelerate DNS look ups by LAN clients.
> But Now, in contrary the local dns is slower than a custom DNS by my
> webhoster :-(
> do you have any solutions?

apologies but this is a big question and doesn't seem tyo be obviously
security related.  The best suggestion I can make is that you take it to 
a more appropriate forum, perhaps debian-user ?


I would expect that if you resolve off the dns server in a lan
and it has the lookup cached then you should have a win.

If you are are forwarding the rest to your webhoster's DNS (??? ISP)
then you shouldn't lose much there.

perhaps you could dump the packets with tcpdump or ethereal and get
an idea what's going on that way?

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