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Re: fail2ban [was: howto block ssh brute-force]

On 03/13/2006, johannes weiß wrote:

> this is the std config. But it's widely configurable (e.g.:
> --- SNIP (fail2ban.conf, std config) ---
> fwban = iptables -I fail2ban-%(__name__)s 1 -s <ip> -j DROP
> fwunban = iptables -D fail2ban-%(__name__)s -s <ip> -j DROP
> maxfailures = 5
> bantime = 600
> findtime = 600
> --- SNAP ---
>> to iptables whenever has too many login failures?
> it executes "fwban" if an IP has more than "maxfailures" failures in "findtime". This ban will be removed after "bantime" seconds.
> Also configurable:
> - Mail sending
> - Apache (htaccess) checks
> - I'm pretty sure that also other auth-log-files could be parsed(by regexp) if you want to.
>> Does it expire entries?
> (yes after "bantime" seconds)

Here's a recent entry from /var/log/fail2ban.log:

2006-03-13 12:57:55,516 INFO: SSH: has 6 login
failure(s). Banned.
2006-03-13 12:57:55,532 WARNING: SSH: Ban
2006-03-13 13:07:55,742 WARNING: SSH: Unban

Search for fail2ban or ssh brute force attacks on debian-user for more
discussions on the subject.


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