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Re: avahi-daemon

On Wed, Feb 22, 2006, aliban wrote:
> In this case you are doing the same mistakes Microsoft did with Windows
> all the time:

 Please, no generalities.

> default installation comes with a 'strange' service (that nobody needs,
> therefore nobody knows) sitting somewhere around and listening on ALL
> interfaces. This is the reason why all these worms, i.e. MS Myblast,
> owned all the systems. And this is paranoid?

 Most Windows virii propagate via email, and I'm not sure Evolution is
 way safer than Outlook, still it is the recommended mail client under
 GNOME, it doesn't listen on any interface, but is quite probably a
 major security hole.  You're free not to use it, not shipping it would
 leave us without a high-level calendar + tasks + mail + schedule +
 meetings + groupware application.

> I suggest the pkg promts with something like "xyz is a service that does blah blah,
> ... For most users this service should bind only to a local area network
> and not to the internet. (If you need this service at all) Do you want
> to bind to all interface?" - with no as default!

 In the case of a discovery daemon, this is useless.


Loïc Minier <lool@dooz.org>
Current Earth status:   NOT DESTROYED

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