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Re: nmap -sT and open ports from a friends

> The 'filtered' ones are probably filtered by your ISP. I can understand (but
> don't share) why they block port 25 or port 445) but I wonder why a ISP
> would filter out port 80, aren't people allowed to have a web server at home?

I don't know if you remember the CodeRed and Nimba worms that were
spreading like craxy, but ISPs decided to block 80 to slow down the
spread and their customers.

Most residential cable and dsl providers forbid customers from running
servers. Most of the time, you will find in the terms of service, that
they are not allowed. If you want to run a web or ftp server, they
want you to go with a commercial service plan. While I've never heard
of anyone getting their service cancelled because they ran a server on
a residential plan, but you never know.

Back to the orignal question, I would highly suggest setting up a
basic firewall just to block the ports that aren't being used. The
more granular you are the better.

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