RE: a compromised machine
Perharps debsums could be useful to detect the corrupted command ?
But rebuilding the machine is a sure solution I think.
-----Message d'origine-----
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Envoyé : lundi 25 juillet 2005 01:12
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Objet : Re: a compromised machine
Le 12989ième jour après Epoch,
Nejc Novak écrivait:
> i checked crontabs and i haven't found anything. but new processess
> www-data 6705 0.0 0.1 1616 600 ? S 21:31 0:00
> /tmp/dlciiqlno x
> www-data 6762 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 22:10 0:00 [sh]
> <defunct>
> www-data 6770 0.0 0.1 1624 608 ? S 22:10 0:00 [bdflu
> and new connections were opened
> Active Internet connections (w/o servers)
> Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State
> tcp 0 0
> tcp 0 0
> Once again, /tmp/dcliiqlno doesn't exist... where is this exec file,
> because i would really like to know what exactly it does.. and what is
> bdflu?
Easy to do. The exec prog remove himself.
Try "lsof -p <hackprocessid>" and you probably see a "deleted" file.
The process probably restarted because of a corrupted command. For
example, ls or ps are corrupted, so they create /tmp/xxxx, run it and
delete it.
> I still haven't managed to find out how exactly this happened. And
> probably reinstall will be needed? What do you think?
First of all, you must unplug the machine. Second, reinstall it.
If you have important data, just backup it, but *only* data!
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