Re: Timeliness of Debian Security Announceness? (DSA 756-1 Squirrelmail)
Am Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2005 17:40 schrieb Herwig Wittmann:
> Hi!
> I am trying to understand if my organization can rely on the debian
> security announcement mailing list as only source of security alerts in
> the future.
> This would be very convenient- but the delay that seems to have passed
> between the original squirrelmail security announcement and the time I
> received the alert via is worrying:
If you've been following debian for at least a couple of months, you got to
know, that this issue was fixed rather fast.
However, my - one and only - advice in this case is: Don't use debian
packages, if this is vital for you!
Keep smiling
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