Re: Timeliness of Debian Security Announceness? (DSA 756-1 Squirrelmail)
On Thu, Jul 14, 2005 at 05:40:22PM +0200, Herwig Wittmann wrote:
> Hi!
> I am trying to understand if my organization can rely on the debian
> security announcement mailing list as only source of security alerts in
> the future.
> This would be very convenient- but the delay that seems to have passed
> between the original squirrelmail security announcement and the time I
> received the alert via is worrying:
> The Vulnerability seems to have been described a few weeks ago:
> The Debian Security Advisory 756-1 is dated July 13th, 2005.
> I do not want to rude in any way- please try to excuse my way of putting
> things, but does anybody have a prediction how probable it is for such a
> thing to happen again?
> Is there a role/function in debian that is responsible for reviewing
> bugtraq or similiar sources, and is ensured that this role is fulfilled
> every day?
> Or will there be other measures in place to see that security issues are
> noticed quickly for all packages- even for strange tools that
> are not used by normal unix-centered developers?
> Kind regards,
> Herwig Wittmann
I hope this link will help
Perl 6 will give you the big knob. -- Larry Wall
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