On Wed, Mar 09, 2005 at 07:13:48PM +0000, Steve Kemp wrote: > On Wed, Mar 09, 2005 at 08:05:40PM +0100, David Schmitt wrote: > > On Wednesday 09 March 2005 19:13, Steve Kemp wrote: > > > A simple script I wrote did that for me already - although there are > > > some fixups required as we seem to have a few different spellings > > > for different things. eg. sanitizing vs sanitising. > > > > > > You can see the simple output here along with input and output. > > > > > > http://people.debian.org/~skx/2005/ > > > > Nice script. I fixed it up to sanitise 'sanitizations' and sort output by > > count. diff attached. > > Thanks, I've applied it and updated the page. Based on your code I've modified it (reused some of the code I wrote for other tasks) so that it can be run in the source code that generates www.debian.org/security. Attached is both the modified script and the result. As you will see, since the 'description' tag has not been used uniformly (sp?) the results are quite strange. I believe it would be best if we modified all the .data files and added a 'vulntype' tag to all of them in order to do proper analysis. Regards Javier
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use Getopt::Std; use Time::gmtime; use IO::File; use Date::Parse; use strict; my %HASH; my %DSAcount; my %dsaref; my $opt_h; my $opt_v; # Stdin options # -v verbose getopts('hv'); if ( $opt_h ) { # Help! print "usage: $0 [-vh]\n"; print "\t-v\tverbose mode\n"; print "\t-h\tthis help\n"; exit 0; } # Extract data #parsedirs (".", "data", 2); parsedirs (".", "wml", 2); # Print page countvuln(); printtable(); exit 0; sub countvuln { # Count the vulnerabilities in %dsaref based on description foreach my $dsa (keys %dsaref) { if ( defined $dsaref{$dsa}{'description'} ) { my $type = $dsaref{$dsa}{'description'}; $type =~ s/ *$//; $type =~ s/(overflow|file)s$/$1/; $type =~ s/saniti[zs]ing|validation/validation/; $type =~ s/unsanitised input/missing input validation/; $HASH{ $type } += 1; # Increase type of flaw. $DSAcount{ $type } .= " " . $dsa ; } } } ## ## Simple HTML output ## sub printtable { print "<table>"; foreach my $key ( sort { $HASH{$b} <=> $HASH{$a} } keys %HASH ) { print "<tr bgcolor=\"#cccccc\"><td>" . $key . "</td><td>" . $HASH{ $key } . "</tr>\n"; print "<tr><td></td><td>"; foreach my $vuln ( split( / /, $DSAcount{ $key } ) ) { next if not length( $vuln ); $vuln = lc($vuln); print "<a href=\"http://www.debian.org/security/2005/$vuln\">$vuln</a> "; } print "</td></tr>\n"; } print "</table>"; } sub parsewmlfile { my ($file,$filename) = @_ ; my $dsa; my $line; # The filename gives us the DSA we are parsing if ( $filename =~ /dsa\-(\d+)/ || $filename =~ /(\d+\w+)/ ) { $dsa=$1; } else { print STDERR "File $file does not look like a proper DSA, not checking\n" if $opt_v; return 1; } print STDERR "Parsing DSA $dsa from file $file\n" if $opt_v; open (WMLFILE , $file) || die ("Cannot read $file: $!"); while ($line=<WMLFILE>) { chomp $line; if ( $line =~ /description\>(.*?)\<\/define-tag/ ) { $dsaref{$dsa}{'description'}=$1; } last if defined $dsaref{$dsa}{'description'}; } close WMLFILE; return 0; } sub parsedatafile { my ($file,$filename) = @_ ; my $dsa; my $line; # The filename gives us the DSA we are parsing if ( $filename =~ /dsa\-(\d+)/ || $filename =~ /(\d+\w+)/ ) { $dsa=$1; } else { print STDERR "File $file does not look like a proper DSA, not checking\n" if $opt_v; return 1; } print STDERR "Parsing DSA $dsa from file $file\n" if $opt_v; open (DATAFILE , $file) || die ("Cannot read $file: $!"); while ($line=<DATAFILE>) { chomp $line; if ( $line =~ /report_date\>([\d\-\/]+)\<\/define-tag/ ) { my $dsadate=$1; # Just in case... $dsadate =~ s/\-(\d)\-/-0$1-/; $dsadate =~ s/\-(\d)$/-0$1/; $dsaref{$dsa}{'date'}=$dsadate ; } if ( $line =~ /secrefs\>(.*?)\<\/define-tag/ ) { $dsaref{$dsa}{'secrefs'}=$1 ; print STDERR "Extracted security references: $dsaref{$dsa}{'secrefs'}\n" if $opt_v; } $dsaref{$dsa}{'package'}=$1 if ( $line =~ /packages\>(.*?)\<\/define-tag/ ) ; $dsaref{$dsa}{'vulnerable'}=$1 if ( $line =~ /isvulnerable\>(.*?)\<\/define-tag/ ) ; $dsaref{$dsa}{'fixed'}=$1 if ( $line =~ /fixed\>(.*?)\<\/define-tag/ ) ; } close DATAFILE; return 0; } sub parsedirs { my ($directory, $postfix, $depth) = @_ ; my $dir = new IO::File; if ( $depth == 0 ) { print STDERR "Maximum depth reached ($depth) at $directory\n" if $opt_v; return 0; } opendir ($dir , $directory) || die ("Cannot read $directory: $!"); while ( my $file = readdir ($dir) ) { print STDERR "Checking $file (for $postfix at $depth)\n" if $opt_v; if ( -d "${directory}/${file}" and ! -l "${directory}/${file}" && $file !~ /^\./ ) { print STDERR "Entering directory ${directory}/${file}\n" if $opt_v; parsedirs ( "${directory}/${file}", $postfix, $depth - 1 ); } if ( -r "${directory}/${file}" && $file =~ /$postfix/ && $file !~ /^[\.\#]/ ) { parsedatafile($directory."/".$file,$file) if $file =~ /data$/; parsewmlfile($directory."/".$file,$file) if $file =~ /wml$/; } } # of the while closedir $dir; return 0; }
buffer overflow | 168 |
076 194 458 517 451 578 1ldso 350 527 337 096 124 594 653 367 391 523 193 244 637 410 595 113 579 295 683 508 507 260 309 506 116 300 120 381 254 373 205 644 399 040 19980520 301 213 017 493 171 445 329 525 582 400 287 672 349 275 197 432 677 110 112 646 369 176 629 372 428 359 182 033 632 663 274 645 322 635 128 501 215 064 387 267 354 461 565 520 424 368 611 175 511 062 291 374 649 648 327 320 280 19981112 184 140 412 385 502 314 326 619 621 598 162 334 103 174 214 1libdb 657 074 593 641 640 623 044 20000702 217 328 281 183 384 398 407 376 587 609 190 298 397 321 624 165 186 268 345 516 494 216 069 643 455 179 676 060 550 625 547 406 530 166 141 252 031 19981122 19980110 185 597 248 390 356 | |
several vulnerabilities | 78 |
443 358 572 311 495 662 236 234 388 486 288 324 536 379 480 535 312 237 638 607 235 436 652 265 468 475 515 691 519 187 526 232 360 549 543 332 532 434 442 642 241 489 465 361 479 195 524 240 440 423 266 467 481 188 576 239 562 497 472 439 546 667 243 531 669 639 238 448 336 457 482 365 470 654 450 491 196 242 | |
insecure temporary file | 41 |
559 118 331 325 340 285 460 341 661 286 308 366 633 137 323 588 426 256 500 610 615 658 353 575 603 622 202 159 679 647 053 305 362 343 339 172 636 577 046 20001225 105 | |
missing input validation | 27 |
548 627 686 690 496 678 568 650 542 566 604 469 682 626 689 471 680 552 612 563 688 402 518 504 247 596 631 | |
integer overflow | 22 |
226 573 581 272 333 142 589 614 591 433 602 673 222 143 628 599 601 282 149 570 146 408 | |
denial of service | 17 |
206 211 415 452 545 414 393 492 409 198 201 317 478 157 318 473 528 | |
remote exploit | 16 |
20001122a 200 138 262 20000901 027 257 075 043 066 20001013a 070 106 123 134 111 | |
format string | 14 |
684 485 685 447 370 671 513 510 687 616 529 487 670 592 | |
privilege escalation | 12 |
463 675 509 161 303 154 681 20001219 668 302 304 173 | |
local exploit | 10 |
20000902a 20001217a 041 20000910a 20001120 20000810 20000727 20001014 20001111a 1lynx | |
cross site scripting | 9 |
220 218 221 191 167 163 199 181 169 | |
symlink attack | 9 |
059 048 090 20001217 20001122 20001123 20001129 20001130 20001201 | |
remote root exploit | 9 |
1samba 045 1mgetty 034 20000911 087 20000719a 086 357 | |
local root exploit | 9 |
1svgalib 092 189 1sperl 054 20000902 20001013 20001122b 403 | |
format string vulnerability | 8 |
139 028 590 584 521 411 522 258 | |
cross-site scripting | 7 |
351 126 533 355 125 371 147 | |
failing function and TLB flush | 5 |
454 453 456 514 466 | |
missing privilege release | 5 |
430 405 462 665 655 | |
insecure temporary directory | 5 |
488 352 583 544 630 | |
directory traversal | 5 |
534 346 344 209 499 | |
insecure temporary file creation | 5 |
160 279 483 477 292 | |
buffer overflows, integer overflow | 4 |
571 313 306 618 | |
local privilege escalation | 4 |
20001121 276 270 20001118a | |
infinite loop | 4 |
586 255 261 613 | |
heap overflow | 4 |
567 435 404 505 | |
printf format attack | 3 |
057 072 061 | |
remote DoS | 3 |
077 068 093 | |
insecure execution | 3 |
296 293 284 | |
arbitrary program execution | 3 |
036 158 204 | |
insecure tempfile handling | 3 |
011 037 019 | |
information leak | 3 |
431 180 253 | |
missing function return value check | 3 |
438 444 441 | |
insecure file creation | 3 |
540 446 283 | |
remote buffer overflow | 3 |
127 013 012 | |
missing HTML quoting | 3 |
251 250 249 | |
arbitrary code execution | 3 |
192 490 164 | |
missing boundary check | 3 |
417 413 427 | |
buffer overflows, denial of service | 3 |
378 380 315 | |
remote denial of service | 3 |
129 20001120a 035 | |
possible remote exploit | 3 |
20001014a 20001014b 20001118 | |
SQL injection | 3 |
347 229 338 | |
remote DoS / exploit | 3 |
131 132 133 | |
integer and stack overflow | 2 |
560 561 | |
multiple vulnerabilities | 2 |
425 307 | |
doubly freed memory | 2 |
145 233 | |
vulnerable to symlink attack | 2 |
19980317a 19980317e | |
design flaw | 2 |
666 692 | |
arbitrary command execution | 2 |
207 203 | |
char-to-int conversion | 2 |
278 290 | |
Buffer Overflow | 2 |
081 082 | |
possible remote vulnerability | 2 |
382 383 | |
local file overwrite | 2 |
039 056 | |
integer overflow, buffer overflow | 2 |
348 297 | |
symlink vulnerability | 2 |
108 553 | |
remote command execution | 2 |
178 219 | |
Cryptographic weakness | 2 |
273 269 | |
improper setuid-root execution | 2 |
310 299 | |
/tmp file creation problem | 2 |
19990823b 19990823c | |
remote root exploit in dhcp client | 2 |
20000728 20000628 | |
invalid free(3) | 2 |
569 556 | |
unauthorized file access | 1 |
114 | |
open mail relay | 1 |
437 | |
change default umask | 1 |
063 | |
multiple remote exploits | 1 |
136 | |
CRLF injection | 1 |
210 | |
broken maintainer script | 1 |
015 | |
local insecure crontab handling | 1 |
024 | |
missing directory validation | 1 |
574 | |
buffer overflow, directory traversal | 1 |
416 | |
remote root exploit (and others) | 1 |
089 | |
insecurely opens files in /tmp | 1 |
19980531 | |
missing random seed | 1 |
152 | |
sendmail 8.8.5 follows hardlinks when writing /var/tmp/dead.letter | 1 |
19970325a | |
buffer overflow, weak security | 1 |
042 | |
misinterprets ISINDEX queries | 1 |
19980827e | |
influencing login | 1 |
091 | |
buffer overflows and information leak | 1 |
026 | |
insecure temporary files / directories | 1 |
620 | |
buffer overflows and memory leak | 1 |
228 | |
missing user input validation | 1 |
564 | |
remote command invocation | 1 |
078 | |
arbitrary file access | 1 |
600 | |
remote unauthorized access | 1 |
055 | |
local buffer overflow | 1 |
20001122c | |
unauthorized gathering of data | 1 |
080 | |
Denial of service vulnerabilities in bind | 1 |
19991116 | |
Root exploit in eterm | 1 |
19990218 | |
buffer overflow, giving access to group games | 1 |
19980613 | |
Symlink attack | 1 |
19990612 | |
missing return value check | 1 |
660 | |
/tmp race in sail | 1 |
19980828d | |
talkd does not check hostname length | 1 |
19970127 | |
incorrect permissions | 1 |
335 | |
ASN.1 parsing vulnerability | 1 |
394 | |
libc NLSPATH buffer overflow | 1 |
19970213 | |
inetd passes privileged groups on to subprocesses | 1 |
19970325b | |
remote DOS & potential buffer overflow | 1 |
029 | |
3 remote exploits | 1 |
073 | |
potential buffer overruns | 1 |
19980317c | |
proftpd running with incorrect userid, erroneous file removal | 1 |
032 | |
remote root exploit in wu-ftpd | 1 |
20000623 | |
unsafe temp file | 1 |
19981118 | |
improperly sanitised input | 1 |
420 | |
remote vulnerability | 1 |
422 | |
Denial of service in 2.2-series kernel | 1 |
19990607 | |
remote compromise | 1 |
20000910 | |
improper variable initialization | 1 |
117 | |
tftpd allows retrieval of files with ".." in their path | 1 |
19970323 | |
local DoS | 1 |
20001125 | |
local root exploit, remote client exploit | 1 |
119 | |
Local root exploit | 1 |
101 | |
faxsurvey script executes arbitrary commands | 1 |
19980827a | |
insufficient input validation | 1 |
617 | |
password expiration | 1 |
421 | |
buffer overflow and more | 1 |
224 | |
arbitrary script execution | 1 |
156 | |
ignored counter boundary | 1 |
245 | |
cryptographic weakness | 1 |
429 | |
remote exploit in htdig | 1 |
19991209 | |
buffer overflow and format string attack | 1 |
014 | |
root exploit in splitvt | 1 |
20000605a | |
source code disclosure | 1 |
170 | |
buffer overflows in proftpd | 1 |
19991111a | |
buffer overflows, format string | 1 |
277 | |
symlink attack in apcd | 1 |
20000201 | |
problem with very long pathnames | 1 |
19980909 | |
missing quoting, incomplete parser | 1 |
294 | |
Buffer overflow in some FTP servers | 1 |
19990210 | |
missing input validation, wrong calculation | 1 |
396 | |
request-route used a lock file in /tmp | 1 |
1modutils | |
incorrect memory resizing | 1 |
289 | |
local tempfile vulnerabilities | 1 |
023 | |
insecure packet filtering rules | 1 |
389 | |
buffer overflow / DoS | 1 |
135 | |
Rare problem with corrupted file permissions | 1 |
19990823 | |
local printf format attack | 1 |
058 | |
Potential buffer overflow | 1 |
100 | |
Uncontrolled program execution | 1 |
097 | |
missing input validation processing | 1 |
538 | |
"teardrop" attack | 1 |
1teardrop | |
buffer overflow, integer overflow | 1 |
651 | |
routed permits remote user file overwrite | 1 |
19980317d | |
opens files in /tmp in an unsecure manner | 1 |
19980708 | |
Security problem with temp file handling. | 1 |
19990215 | |
access control problem and root exploit | 1 |
20000109 | |
local insecure tempfile creation | 1 |
022 | |
DoS attack | 1 |
104 | |
Buffer overflow in sperl 5.003 | 1 |
19970417 | |
remote denial of service if using sendsys report mechanism | 1 |
19980828b | |
buffer overflow with very long paths | 1 |
19980922 | |
wrong signal handler | 1 |
606 | |
broken dropping of privileges | 1 |
052 | |
possible shadow file compromise | 1 |
20000816 | |
missing escape | 1 |
541 | |
users can see files they shouldn't | 1 |
19991030 | |
GNU tar sometimes unintentionally creates setuid-root executables. | 1 |
19970206a | |
The imapd, pop2d and pop3d servers allow remote, unauthenticated root access. | 1 |
19970302 | |
Security problems corrected in new upstream version | 1 |
19990804 | |
sort and tac vulnerable to symlink attack | 1 |
19980217 | |
insecure /tmp file | 1 |
1xfree3 | |
improper character escaping | 1 |
088 | |
/tmp file attack | 1 |
1doom | |
cheating with detached signatures, circumvention of web of trust | 1 |
20001225b | |
uucp uid/gid access | 1 |
079 | |
privilege leak | 1 |
418 | |
Buffer overflow in INN inews program | 1 |
19990907 | |
out of bound access | 1 |
498 | |
buffer overflow, symlink problem, ".." directory traversal | 1 |
121 | |
buffer overflows, miscellaneous security updates | 1 |
19990422 | |
bypassing safe_mode, CRLF injection | 1 |
168 | |
remote users can read files with webserver uid | 1 |
20000227 | |
multiple problems | 1 |
212 | |
math overflow errors | 1 |
263 | |
The "screen" program overflows when copying the gecos field. | 1 |
19970220 | |
symbolic link can be used to change file permissions | 1 |
19990331a | |
Multiple vulnerabilities in linux kernel | 1 |
3 | |
race condition | 1 |
20001008 | |
buffer overflows, arbitrary command execution | 1 |
364 | |
information exposure | 1 |
223 | |
SuperProbe (of XFree86) contains a number of buffer overflow | 1 |
19970304 | |
displaying files despite lack of permissions | 1 |
19980508b | |
buffer overflows in bootpd and ftp | 1 |
19990104 | |
Still remotely exploitable using buffer overflow | 1 |
20000830 | |
incorrect input handling | 1 |
395 | |
Improper handling of symlink permissions | 1 |
19990220 | |
remotely triggered memory allocation error | 1 |
130 | |
cookie path traversal | 1 |
459 | |
stack overflow | 1 |
231 | |
There is a vulnerability in PHP/FI, a NCSA httpd cgi enhancement | 1 |
19970416 | |
Incorrect permissions on xmonisdn | 1 |
19990807 | |
missing filename validation | 1 |
264 | |
insecure permissions, spurious backup file | 1 |
230 | |
Shell meta-characters permitted | 1 |
19980211 | |
privacy escalation with Konqueror | 1 |
155 | |
Buffer overflow | 1 |
19990823a | |
potential buffer overflow executable | 1 |
19980317b | |
root compromise in ftpwatch | 1 |
19990117 | |
settings not honored | 1 |
605 | |
daemon exploit | 1 |
102 | |
Remote exploit | 1 |
067 | |
buffer overflows and format string vulnerabilities | 1 |
148 | |
Script problem in mc | 1 |
1mc | |
buffer overflows allowing local root access | 1 |
19980828a | |
file creation and corruption bug in XConsole | 1 |
19980509 | |
potentially allows local root exploits | 1 |
19980827b | |
source disclosure | 1 |
225 | |
problem with su | 1 |
19980513 | |
session ID spoofing | 1 |
319 | |
IRC session hijacking | 1 |
099 | |
Buffer overflow in older versions of cfingerd | 1 |
19990806 | |
buffer overflow causing potential remote root exploits, denial of service | 1 |
19980401 | |
setuid ncurses programs allow opening arbitrary file | 1 |
19980827d | |
Vulnerability in POP-2 daemon | 1 |
19990607a | |
creates user "ftp" unauthorized | 1 |
19981126 | |
buffer overflow in klock, kvt saves config as root | 1 |
19980530a | |
broken image handling | 1 |
464 | |
failure to drop root privileges | 1 |
330 | |
programming error | 1 |
585 | |
remote exploit in ssh | 1 |
19991215a | |
buffer overflows in minicom if suid | 1 |
19980901 | |
possible local exploit in mtr | 1 |
20000309 | |
incorrect internal variable handling | 1 |
551 | |
Missing PAM support | 1 |
025 | |
incorrect signature verification | 1 |
20001111 | |
insecure file handling, format string bug | 1 |
20001225a | |
rlogin doesn't check $TERM's length. | 1 |
19970206b | |
IP spoofing attack "land" | 1 |
1land | |
does not drop its root privileges | 1 |
19981207 | |
broken boundary check and more | 1 |
115 | |
mail group exploit in mailx | 1 |
20000605 | |
buffer overflow, format string | 1 |
375 | |
illegal file exposition | 1 |
150 | |
denial of service, bounce-scanning | 1 |
363 | |
untrustworthy privileged binaries | 1 |
20001121a | |
buffer overflows, file and directory exposure | 1 |
392 | |
bug in capabilities handling allows root exploits | 1 |
20000612 | |
insecure file permissions | 1 |
537 | |
symlink attack in make | 1 |
20000217 | |
buffer overflow, insecure tempfile handling, denial-of-service attack | 1 |
030 | |
buffer overflow in the NFS server | 1 |
19991111 | |
insecure socket creation | 1 |
1xfree | |
format strings | 1 |
401 | |
format print vulnerability | 1 |
107 | |
Buffer overflow in amd | 1 |
19990924 | |
Buffer overflow in amd -- update | 1 |
19991018a | |
wrong file permissions | 1 |
555 | |
insecure file handling | 1 |
1xfree2 | |
allows remote to send arbitrary characters to local terminal | 1 |
19980508a | |
remote misuse of printer | 1 |
20001119 | |
buffer overflow in qpopper | 1 |
19991215 | |
broken privileges dropping, broken tempfile | 1 |
050 | |
Command Execution Via URLs Vulnerability | 1 |
20000830a | |
Format string vulnerability | 1 |
085 | |
buffer overflow, incorrect permissions | 1 |
316 | |
possible buffer overflows in nslookup and dig | 1 |
19980905 | |
information leak, integer underflow | 1 |
659 | |
missing argument check | 1 |
503 | |
buffer overflow in ftpd | 1 |
20000719 | |
INN 1.5 parsecontrol | 1 |
1parsecontrol | |
Information Retrieval | 1 |
084 | |
sudo allowed users to run any root command | 1 |
19980112b | |
cross-site scripting, directory traversal | 1 |
674 | |
input validation bug | 1 |
386 | |
remote exploit in nmh | 1 |
20000229 | |
insufficient protection | 1 |
20001220 | |
memory corruption | 1 |
071 | |
incorrect file removal in boot script | 1 |
20000108 | |
buffer overflows and other bugs | 1 |
227 | |
unsafe mailcap configuration | 1 |
342 | |
Root exploit in cron | 1 |
19990830 | |
cross site code execution and privilege escalation | 1 |
153 | |
missing filename validation, SQL injection | 1 |
419 | |
symbolic link can be used to make any file world readable | 1 |
19990331 | |
computer virus | 1 |
1bliss | |
buffer overflow in logging | 1 |
19981210 | |
unauthenticated access | 1 |
512 | |
Buffer overflow in lsof | 1 |
19990220a | |
insecure tempfile bug, broken mod_rewrite | 1 |
021 | |
problem restoring symlinks | 1 |
19991202 | |
It may be possible to make metamail execute arbitrary commands | 1 |
19970409 | |
unauthorized escalation of privilege (update) | 1 |
20000821 | |
Vulnerability in XFree86 | 1 |
19970702a | |
cross-realm | 1 |
476 | |
mail user privilege escalation | 1 |
259 | |
unauthorized remote code execution | 1 |
20000719b | |
integer overflows, missing input validation | 1 |
608 | |
remote printf format attack | 1 |
049 | |
unexpected _javascript_ execution | 1 |
051 | |
remote nobody exploit | 1 |
018 | |
exposes contents of local file | 1 |
20001009 | |
malicious mails can execute arbitrary code | 1 |
19980827c | |
insecure tempfile | 1 |
038 | |
information exposure, cross site scripting | 1 |
246 | |
pipe exposure | 1 |
151 | |
amd ignores nodev option | 1 |
19970407 | |
unauthorized password change | 1 |
271 | |
Denial of Service in Sendmail | 1 |
19991207 | |
bug in access control mechanism | 1 |
20000619 | |
remote file append/creation | 1 |
065 | |
Buffer overflow in super. | 1 |
19990215a | |
unauthorized port forwarding | 1 |
1ssh | |
weak hostname and username validation | 1 |
634 | |
cross-site scripting vulnerability | 1 |
109 | |
insecure file access | 1 |
656 | |
improper input handling | 1 |
144 | |
root exploit in cfingerd | 1 |
19990814 | |
UUCP exploit under smail | 1 |
19980112a | |
Vulnerability in elm | 1 |
19970702b | |
broken file permissions | 1 |
664 | |
insecure signal handling | 1 |
083 | |
buffer overflow, format string bugs | 1 |
449 | |
various security problems in nis | 1 |
19991027 | |
pre-set password | 1 |
554 | |
null pointer dereference | 1 |
558 | |
buffer overflow in mountd | 1 |
19980904 | |
root exploit | 1 |
20000919 | |
opens files in /tmp insecurely | 1 |
19980530b | |
remote Denial of Service | 1 |
20001112 | |
multiple security problems | 1 |
047 | |
missing privilege dropping | 1 |
557 | |
weak administrator authentication | 1 |
19990623 | |
failure to drop privileges | 1 |
484 | |
reported exploit in dump | 1 |
20000328 | |
malloc error (double free) | 1 |
122 | |
temp file creation and format string | 1 |
016 | |
remote DOS and remote information leak | 1 |
020 | |
root compromise | 1 |
19980829 | |
missing initialisation | 1 |
580 | |
gzexe allows running arbitrary programs | 1 |
19980514 | |
local root vulnerability | 1 |
095 | |
format string vulnerability and buffer overflow | 1 |
098 | |
standard buffer overrun(s) in minicom | 1 |
19970210 | |
cross-site scripting hole | 1 |
094 | |
Incorrect directory name handling in mirror | 1 |
19991018 | |
ACL bypass | 1 |
474 | |
insecure program execution | 1 |
377 | |
vulnerable to a denial of service | 1 |
19980828c | |
serious security violation | 1 |
177 | |
unauthorized escalation of privilege | 1 |
20000812 | |
broken safe compartment | 1 |
208 | |
temporary directory vulnerability | 1 |
539 |
Description: Digital signature