Re: [SECURITY] [DSA 599-1] New tetex-bin packages fix arbitrary code execution
Torge Szczepanek <> wrote:
> szczepan@cygnus:~$ head -1 debian/tetex-bin-2.0.2/debian/changelog
> tetex-bin (2.0.2-23) unstable; urgency=high
> szczepan@cygnus:~$ head -1 new/tetex-bin-2.0.2/debian/changelog
> tetex-bin (2.0.2-14.1) testing; urgency=medium
> Wenn looking into the code I found out that there were done no changes
> in the libs/xpdf code between 2.0.2-14.1 and 2.0.2-23 as mentioned in:
This is done in debian/patches/patch-src. However, this is only a
partial fix, the complete thing will come soon.
Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer
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