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OT, spam tips.

sorry about the off topic, but maybe you guys at debian can fix what
my internet provider is talking about?


>>-------- Original Message --------
>>Return-Path: <bounce-debian-security=tomasz=spin.it@lists.debian.org>
>>Received: from peacefulaction.com (unknown []) by >>murphy.debian.org (Postfix) with SMTP id 1AC162E0A4; Thu, 21 Oct 2004 >
>>X-Spam-Status: No, hits=2.3 required=4.0 tests=MURPHY_RCVD_IN_SBLXBL, >>RCVD_IN_SBL autolearn=no version=2.63-lists.debian.org_2004_08_17_01
>>X-Spam-Level: **
>Jesus Christ, Debian has to push up the SBL/XBL score in Spamassassin!

sorry about that, i just saw viagra, didnt notice it got thru with
debians mailing list...

No problem, spam is always interesting to look at (well, at least
for me ;).
But when I see that they use SBL/XBL yet they still pass on the
message to users then my stomach revolts ... it's like a waiter
at a restaurant serving a dish to a customer and saying "Please pay
attention, sir, not to eat that dead fly you will find in the food."


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