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Re: failed root login attempts

On Sun, Sep 19, 2004 at 02:42:08PM -0400, Dossy Shiobara wrote:
> > Other than blacklisting the IPs (which is a race I am going to
> > lose),
> Why do you say that?  I haven't seen this more than a few times a week
> so I haven't bothered to do anything yet, but I'm very close to writing
> a script that tail's the syslog and on more than X repeat failures,
> add a rule to iptables -j DROP traffic from the offending IP address.

I see several of these attempts every day, always hitting sequential IP
addresses.  When you have dozens of servers that otherwise wouldn't log
anything worth a logcheck report, this means lots and lots of
unnecessary mail.

> If I'm feeling nice, I'll keep a list of the IPs that have been
> temporarily blacklisted with a timestamp of when they were added, and
> expire them after X time has passed ...

I have found it mostly futile to blacklist them at all, unless I catch
them as soon as the scanning starts.  They hit IP addresses in
sequential order, and once they're done scanning my netblock, I haven't
seen any more of them.  So logcheck, running only once an hour, is
useless.  It lets me know that such a scan happened, but by the time I
get the mail, I don't care.  If I notice the scan immediately, I will
occasionally blackhole the source IP at our network border, but it's
rare that I notice in time.


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