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Re: chroot bind9 Issue


saravanan ganapathy wrote:
::   I am new for this list. I alreay posted my
:: issue in debian-user. But I didn't get any
:: help.So please help me.

	There are other lists then debian-security
and debian-user that can help you. I'm answering
the off-topic to give you some time until you find
a nice //support// list. :o)

:: I would like to configure bind9 with chroot on my
:: debian woody. I have referred lot of links and based
:: on that I have did the configuration. It works fine
:: except some issues, when I stop bind9, I am getting
:: the following error

:: Stopping domain name service: namedrndc: neither
:: /etc/bind/rndc.conf nor /etc/bind/rndc.key was found

	The problem is related with the rndc.key. In your
case it cannot be found. :) The keys is missing. So, you
have to option, copy the key from /etc/bind inside your
"chroot" or create a new key. Use rndc-confgen to generate
a new key (read the man page first).

	If you copy your key then change the owner of your
key to the same user that bind is using.

:: # addgroup named
:: # adduser --system --home /home/named --no-create-home
:: --ingroup named \
::            --disabled-password --disabled-login named

	Good. Non privileged user, but I will recommend
you to set the home dir to the "named chroot jail".

:: # mkdir /var/named

	It is a good idea to use a subdir inside /var/named,
something like /var/name/cage/

:: # cd /var/named
:: # mkdir -p dev etc lib usr/sbin var/named var/run
::       var/cache/bind
:: # mv /etc/bind etc/
:: # mknod dev/null c 1 3
:: # mknod dev/random c 1 8
:: # chmod 666 dev/null dev/random
:: # chown -R named.named named

:: Edited /etc/init.d/sysklogd to include  SYSLOGD="-a
:: /var/named/dev/log"

:: Edited /etc/init.d/bind9 to include OPTS="-u named -t
:: /var/named"

:: # /etc/init.d/sysklogd restart
:: # /etc/init.d/bind9 start

	I didn't saw you create your new config files.
You should copy /etc/bind/* inside your chroot/etc/bind
And I also didn't saw you change directory permissions,
as bind is not running with user privileges "he" must
need privs to write inside logs and 'run', if it is a
slave also inside etc/bind.

:: bind is started well without any error. I have also
:: verified from the syslog file.


:: But while stopping, the 'rndc' still refers the
:: non-chroot path (/etc/bind/named.conf).

:: If I do
::  # cp /var/named/etc/bind/rndc.key /etc/bind/rndc.key
:: Then the bind stops without any error.
:: Can you please help me to solve this problem?

	The key is missing, but when you use -t and -u
options in the init.d script, it should be "chrooted"
and checked only the chrrot dir. Something is broken.
:) Good luck.

// Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
// felipe@cathedrallabs.org
// http://www.cathedrallabs.org
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