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Re: certificate server

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rick Moen" <rick@linuxmafia.com>
To: <debian-security@lists.debian.org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 11:50 AM
Subject: Re: certificate server

> Quoting Jeff (debian0309@aquabolt.com):
> > The use of Client is confusing - you actually appear to be generating
> > what I would call a self-signed server certificate for installation on
> > one specific webserver. This is for authenticating this signel Server
> > to clients that browse your website using HTTPS.
> That happens to explicitly _be_ the entire context of the article.  I
> have a difficult time believing that anyone could be confused by it:
> The reader would basically have to be ignoring important parts of the text.

mmm - so the narrative talks about SERVER certs but the actual commands use
CLIENT... the SERVER key, csr and crt are called Client.key Client.csr
Client.crt - wouldn't it just be clearer to call them Server.key Server.csr and

Lots of people get server and client certs mixed up - maybe this is a change to
be pedantically clear?

What happens when documentation [yours or someone else's] switches to talking
about Client certificates?

Our naming standard is actually

which means that there is absolutely no confusion when running lots of HTTPS on
the same server.

Anyway, not a big issue 8-)


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