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speaking of squid ports...

does anyone know what squid's udp sockets are for, and how to close
them? As far as I can tell, I don't need them, but I've been unable to
find a combination of squid directives to make them all go away. The icp
port can be closed using "icp_port 0", but the other one is dynamic and
isn't referred to in the squid docs as far as I can tell:

[kahlua](0) # netstat -lp | grep squid
tcp        0      0 *:3128                  *:*	LISTEN	673/(squid)
udp        0      0 *:1414                  *:*		673/(squid)

the udp port isn't there immediately after starting squid, but it always
shows up after a client uses the proxy. port 1414 isn't constant; it's
different every time.


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