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Re: [despammed] ptrace

Saturday, March 22, 2003, 8:26:44 PM, debian-security@lists.debian.org (debian-security) wrote:

LeVA> So it droped me a root shell. Well it is not good I think, after the 
LeVA> patch...

People have been saying that one of the exploits gives itself suid
root after working sucessfully, so try deleting the executable and

| Eddie J Schwartz <EdMcMan@despammed.com> http://www.m00.net |
| AIM: The Cypher ICQ: 35576339 YHOO: edmcman2 MSN:edmcman@^  |
| SMS: 7174716174@vtext.com "We Trills have an expression--   |
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|  hundred, you realize you know nothing." - Dax, ST-DS9      |

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