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Re: LSM-based systems and debian packages

On Tue, 2 Dec 2003 18:32, Peter Palfrader <weasel@debian.org> wrote:
> > There is currently no uucp policy (it seems that no SE Linux users are
> > using it).
> I have one, but it does only allow what I need for uucp, which is
> certainly just a small subset of possible uucp uses.

I've attached a modified version, please check it out.  I've changed some of 
the things to do it in the recommended manner (eg the system_crond_entry() 
macro), and removed some things.

The part for running ssh looked suspect, I think it's probably best to just 
have can_exec(uucp_t, ssh_exec_t).

Let me know what you think, in a few days we should have something ready to be 
sent upstream.

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# postfix
/etc/uucp(/.*)?		system_u:object_r:etc_uucp_t
/usr/bin/uux			system_u:object_r:uucp_exec_t
/usr/bin/uucp			system_u:object_r:uucp_exec_t
/usr/bin/uustat			system_u:object_r:uucp_exec_t
/usr/bin/uuname			system_u:object_r:uucp_exec_t
/usr/bin/uulog			system_u:object_r:uucp_exec_t
/usr/bin/uuto			system_u:object_r:uucp_exec_t
/usr/bin/uupick			system_u:object_r:uucp_exec_t
/usr/bin/cu			system_u:object_r:uucp_exec_t
/usr/sbin/uuxqt			system_u:object_r:uucp_exec_t
/usr/sbin/uupoll		system_u:object_r:uucp_exec_t
/usr/sbin/uusched		system_u:object_r:uucp_exec_t
/usr/sbin/uurate		system_u:object_r:uucp_exec_t
/usr/sbin/in.uucpd		system_u:object_r:uucp_exec_t
/usr/lib/uucp/uuchk		system_u:object_r:uucp_exec_t
/usr/lib/uucp/uucico		system_u:object_r:uucp_exec_t
/usr/lib/uucp/uuconv		system_u:object_r:uucp_exec_t
/usr/lib/uucp/uudemon.day	system_u:object_r:uucp_exec_t
/usr/lib/uucp/uudemon.hr	system_u:object_r:uucp_exec_t
/usr/lib/uucp/uutraf.pl		system_u:object_r:uucp_exec_t
/var/spool/uucp(/.*)?		system_u:object_r:uucp_spool_t
/var/log/uucp(/.*)?		system_u:object_r:uucp_log_t
#DESC UUCP - Unix to Unix Copy Program
# Author:  Peter Palfrader <peter@palfrader.org>

# TODO: the different uucp subsystems should really be in different domains
#  uucico, cu, uuxqt, rmail, rnews etc
# This policy file only allows my most basic mail usage
#  the configuration uses an ssh port and postfix's rmail

# Type for files created during execution of postfix.
daemon_domain(uucp, `, privmail')
type etc_uucp_t, file_type, sysadmfile;
type uucp_spool_t, file_type, sysadmfile;

# The sysadm may want to call uucico directly, not from cron
role sysadm_r types uucp_t;
role sysadm_r types system_mail_t;  # esp this is very evil
domain_auto_trans(sysadm_t, uucp_exec_t, uucp_t)

# Access terminals.
allow uucp_t admin_tty_type:chr_file rw_file_perms;
ifdef(`gnome-pty-helper.te', `allow uucp_t sysadm_gph_t:fd use;')

# Call external programs (like ports..)
can_exec(uucp_t, { bin_t sbin_t shell_exec_t })
allow uucp_t { bin_t sbin_t }:dir r_dir_perms;
allow uucp_t { bin_t sbin_t }:lnk_file r_file_perms;
allow uucp_t var_lib_t:dir r_dir_perms;
allow uucp_t proc_t:file r_file_perms;

# postfix calls uux
ifdef(`postfix.te', `
domain_auto_trans(postfix_pipe_t, uucp_exec_t, uucp_t)
allow mta_user_agent uucp_spool_t:file rw_file_perms;

# Use capabilities.
allow uucp_t self:capability { setgid setuid };

# Allow operations in our spool
allow uucp_t var_spool_t:dir r_dir_perms;
allow uucp_t uucp_spool_t:dir create_dir_perms;
allow uucp_t uucp_spool_t:file create_file_perms;

# Allow logging
allow uucp_t uucp_log_t:file { append getattr };
allow uucp_t uucp_log_t:dir r_dir_perms;

# We need to execute other uucp programs
can_exec(uucp_t, uucp_exec_t);

# reading our conf
allow uucp_t etc_t:dir r_dir_perms;
allow uucp_t etc_t:file r_file_perms;
allow uucp_t etc_uucp_t:dir r_dir_perms;
allow uucp_t etc_uucp_t:file r_file_perms;

# Allow creating the lockfile
allow uucp_t var_lock_t:dir rw_dir_perms;
allow uucp_t var_lock_t:file create_file_perms;


# rmail
allow system_mail_t uucp_spool_t:file rw_file_perms;

# for cron jobs
# system_crond_t is not right, cron is not doing what it should
ifdef(`crond.te', `
system_crond_entry(uucp_exec_t, uucp_t)
allow crond_t uucp_spool_t:dir r_dir_perms;

dontaudit uucp_t etc_runtime_t:file r_file_perms;
dontaudit uucp_t sysadm_home_dir_t:dir r_dir_perms;
dontaudit uucp_t file_t:dir { search };
dontaudit uucp_t proc_t:file r_file_perms;
dontaudit uucp_t { boot_t modules_object_t src_t }:dir { getattr search };

# When the user domain runs ps, there will be a number of access
# denials when ps tries to search /proc.  Do not audit these denials.
dontaudit uucp_t domain:dir r_dir_perms;

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