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Re: Remote update of ssh(d)


* Philipp Hartmann <phiHar@gmx.de> [2003-09-18 12:35]:

> Afterwards I noticed, that the Version which sshd reports was still
> the old one. /etc/init.d/ssh restart seemed to have no effect.
> Presumably caused by my ssh connection, which was ((and had to be) still
> established. The top process of sshd was not killed/replaced.

i cannot confirm this. i did the same thing yesterday (remote sshd update
on several boxes). after installing the new version and a restart i logged
in using ssh -v from another console to check if

- the new version was running
- i could still log in

both things went ok.

then i closed the session from the first connection.

Jogi Hofmüller <jogi_AT_mur_DOT_at>
Tel.: +43-316-821 451 55
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