Re: Snort
Phillip Hofmeister wrote on Feb 17, 2003 at 10:19:24 AM:
> All,
> I have been having problems with snort, this may be kind of OT for this
> list (should be debian-user) but I have a feeling more people on this
> list use snort.
> I manage 2 potato converted to woody machines. Each morning I receive 2
> blank reports from cron.daily.
> I have snort-mysql installed. snort appears to be running fine but
> nothing ever gets written to the mysql database. The username/password
> I gave snort have update/select/insert rights to the mysql DB.
> Any clue of where I can start looking for problems as to why this isn't
> working?
> Thanks,
> --
> Phil
I don't know about snort-mysql, but I got the same empty reports
initially from snort (non-mysql package) on a woody machine also
upgraded from potato.
In my case the problem was snort by default logging only to
/var/log/alerts, while snort-stat (running from /etc/cron.daily/5snort)
was operating on /var/log/auth.log.
.- David Hardne <>
`-- wget -O-|gpg --import
Reply to:
- References:
- Snort
- From: Phillip Hofmeister <>