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Re: Re[2]: VPN e Win32 client info

On 12 Feb 2003 at 13:17, Benjamin wrote:

> is L2TP also possible with dynamic ips?

Yes it is. Basically you would use an IPsec-encrypted connection with 
X509-certs. Have a look at the "FreeS/Wan-patch-homepage" and try out 
the patched FreeS/Wan or maybe already SuperFreeS/Wan with the X509-
patches included. This way you can use dynamic IPs for the clients, 
yes. SuperFreeS/Wan also provides NAT-traversal.

For L2TP I suggest you use rp-l2tp which worked perfect for me. This 
is used to establish a tunnel with "virtual IPs" (lets say 10.0.0.x) 
in the "virutal" network. So IPsec is for the encryption, L2TP for 
the tunnel.

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