Re: securing pop3
On Monday 10 February 2003 23:20, martin f krafft wrote:
> > also sprach Bernard Lheureux <> [2003.02.10.2253 +0100]:
> > About securing POP3, IMAP or SMTP, does someone know where I could find
> > .deb packages of stunnel ?
> it's in non-US, so include the non-US mirrors in your sources.list!
> but i suggest you use courier-pop-ssl, courier-imap-ssl and
> postfix-tls for the SSL functionality.
I use sendmail, not postfix and stunnel works very well under my actual
Mandrake server but I plan to migrate to woody in a few weeks and I keep on
searching the correct tools to migrate my server with THE SAME applications I
use with Mandrake, maybe later I will pass to another ssl system to secure
(°- Bernard Lheureux Gestionnaire des MailingLists ML, TechML, LinuxML
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