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Re: questions about chrooting bind 8.3.3


Please try not to wrap long lines in command output.

On Tuesday, 2002-10-29 at 23:35:42 +0100, J.J. van Gorkum wrote:
> Hi, I have a question about chrooting bind 8.3.3 

> I have used the setup as described in
> http://people.debian.org/~pzn/howto/chroot-bind.sh.txt ... but when I
> then start bind evrything looks right but when I do a lsof -p <pid of
> named> I see:

> command to start bind:

> start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec /usr/sbin/named -- -u named -g
> named -t /var/lib/chroot/named/

> # lsof -p 22119
> named   22119 named  cwd    DIR       8,22    4096  145479 /var/lib/chroot/named/var/cache/bind
> named   22119 named  rtd    DIR       8,22    4096  145467 /var/lib/chroot/named
> named   22119 named  txt    REG        8,6  512088  130880 /usr/sbin/named
> named   22119 named  mem    REG        8,5   82503   30185 /lib/ld-2.2.5.so
> named   22119 named  mem    REG        8,5 1145456   30223 /lib/libc-2.2.5.so
> named   22119 named  mem    REG        8,5   32664   30232 /lib/libnss_files-2.2.5.so
> named   22119 named    0u   CHR        1,3          145480 /var/lib/chroot/named/dev/null
> named   22119 named    1u   CHR        1,3          145480 /var/lib/chroot/named/dev/null
> named   22119 named    2u   CHR        1,3          145480 /var/lib/chroot/named/dev/null
> named   22119 named    3u  unix 0xe1086560         5375674 socket
> named   22119 named    4u  IPv4    5375686             UDP *:32943 
> named   22119 named    5u  unix 0xd9d1ec40         5375676 /var/run/ndc
> named   22119 named   20u  IPv4    5375680             UDP localhost:domain 
> named   22119 named   21u  IPv4    5375681             TCP localhost:domain (LISTEN)

> and when I change the command to start bind to :

> start-stop-daemon --chroot /var/lib/chroot/named/ --start --pidfile
> /var/run/named.pid --exec /usr/sbin/named -- -u named -g named

> I see:
> # lsof -p 23433
> named   23433 named  cwd    DIR       8,22    4096  145479 /var/lib/chroot/named/var/cache/bind
> named   23433 named  rtd    DIR       8,22    4096  145467 /var/lib/chroot/named
> named   23433 named  txt    REG       8,22  512088  145502 /var/lib/chroot/named/usr/sbin/named
> named   23433 named  mem    REG       8,22   82503  145501 /var/lib/chroot/named/lib/ld-linux.so.2
> named   23433 named  mem    REG       8,22 1145456  145500 /var/lib/chroot/named/lib/libc.so.6
> named   23433 named  mem    REG       8,22   32664  146115 /var/lib/chroot/named/lib/libnss_files.so.2
> named   23433 named    0u   CHR        1,3          145480 /var/lib/chroot/named/dev/null
> named   23433 named    1u   CHR        1,3          145480 /var/lib/chroot/named/dev/null
> named   23433 named    2u   CHR        1,3          145480 /var/lib/chroot/named/dev/null
> named   23433 named    3u  unix 0xef055a80         5239772 socket
> named   23433 named    4u  IPv4    5239784             UDP *:32942 
> named   23433 named    5u  unix 0xeee6d140         5239774 /var/run/ndc
> named   23433 named   20u  IPv4    5239778             UDP localhost:domain 
> named   23433 named   21u  IPv4    5239779             TCP localhost:domain (LISTEN)

> Look at the difference in the libraries, as I can see when I start named
> as stated in the script the libraries in the chrooted environment are
> not used.... 

> Am I wrong here?

Wrong in asssuming that named's dynamic libraries are linked in after
named has chorooted? Yes. Dynamic linking *must* take place before the
program gets control, or how could it use a library function otherwise?

You may need the libraries in the jail if named runs external programs.
AFAIR, named versions 4 and 8 do that, version 9 doesn't.

Lupe Christoph
| lupe@lupe-christoph.de       |           http://www.lupe-christoph.de/ |
| Big Misunderstandings #6398: The Titanic was not supposed to be        |
| unsinkable. The designer had a speech impediment. He said: "I have     |
| thith great unthinkable conthept ..."                                  |

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