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Named daemon and port 32770? (and port 32985 on restart)

Consider this:
$ sudo lsof -ni |grep named
named      3267     root    4u  IPv4     512       UDP *:32770
named      3267     root   20u  IPv4     508       UDP
named      3267     root   21u  IPv4     509       TCP
named      3267     root   22u  IPv4     510       UDP
named      3267     root   23u  IPv4     511       TCP
$ netstat -an |grep 32770
udp        0      0 *
$ md5sum /usr/sbin/named
efc9eca0b14ada08aed5d666991bb829  /usr/sbin/named
$ dpkg --status bind |grep ^Version
Version: 1:8.3.3-0.woody.1

Is the first open port reasonable? I wonder why named is listening on UDP
port 32770 which, after a brief google search, comes up as a port usually
used by Solaris' rpcbind (which used to be vulnerable). 

Restarting the named server, however, leads to a new port being open (in a
new socket):
$ sudo /etc/init.d/bind stop; sudo /etc/init.d/bind start
Stopping domain name service: named.
Starting domain name service: named.
jfs@avalon:~$ sudo lsof -ni |grep named |grep UDP
named     25788     root    4u  IPv4 3732233       UDP *:32985

Any ideas on why there is a single UDP port open? My configuration is
pretty simple, no controls configured for the name server and a 'listen-on
port 53' statement in the config file.... 

Suggestions on why this happens and how to prevent it Please do not tell
me to firewall the port, I know how to do that already. 



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