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Security problem in PHP3+Postgres with Potato?


I think I found a security problem in PHP3+postgres+apache shipped with

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the following code should support any $var.
If you uncomment the client_encoding line, I'm able to execute any
request I want with the good $var.

  $conn = pg_connect("dbname=" . BASE_DOC . " port=" . BASE_PORT
                   . " user=" . BASE_USER);
  //pg_exec($conn, "SET client_encoding = 'LATIN1'");
  $requete = "SELECT col FROM tab WHERE col='" . addslashes($var) . "'";
  echo $requete;
  $query = pg_exec($conn, $requete);

Tested on Debian GNU/Linux Potato i386, with
apache         1.3.9-14
php3           3.0.18-0
php3-pgsql     3.0.18-0
postgresql     6.5.3-27

What's the normal way to make a security bug report?

Benoît Sibaud
R&D Engineer - France Telecom

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