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Re: red worm amusement

On Sun, Jul 22, 2001 at 07:11:04PM +1000, CaT wrote:
> > Please, quote me on where I have contradicted that.
> Right below.
Nothing is contradicting that.

> If you only wanted to talk about apt-get you should've stuck to it.
Then I'm to ignore all other questions and ideas, as well personal
comments aimed at me as an individual?

> anyways. i'm bowing out.
Since it seems that suggesting that maybe something in Debian is
not perfect, one will be personally ridiculed, and ridiculed further
for replying to those comments, I too am bowing out.

Although I never got any reason why they are started by default, 
other than "if a service is installed, it is assumed that the admin
wants it running".  To me, the tiny bit of time saved by the admin
is not worth the potential danger to new users.


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