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Re: Is ident secure?

also sprach Ethan Benson (on Fri, 31 Aug 2001 01:38:45AM -0800):
> > honest question: whose business is the name of a user who initiated a
> > connection??? identd is a horrible concept and elicits shrieks among
> > the security conscious. i do understand that you need it for this and
> > that, so install oidentd, which has a feature to return random user
> > names, but other than that, don't worry about it. ident is a hacker's
> this is a severe exaggeration.  
> most people who bitch about identd don't even understand what its for.

okay, i give you that, but still, i have yet to encounter one sensibly
good use for ident. any shots?

> > friend, not only because nmap can tell everyone who is running the
> > services behind your open ports. you don't want that.
> why not? in most cases they will know anyway because most services
> either must run as root, or not, if its a nonroot service what the
> actual username is really isn't useful nor important.

well, while my named runs may run as user bind and my proftpd as user
proftpd and my apache as www-data, there are *plenty* of people who
run these things as root. it's nice to determine first whether named
is running as root before cracking it...

> security through obscurity is all your really gaining.  

true in a way, but it's a step...

> i am more concerned that the services i run are properly configured
> and have all security updates applied then whether someone knows what
> userid they are running as.

that's one of the many other parts of being security-concious...

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
have you drugged your kids today?

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