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Re: Clear screan question

In reply to wes schreiner <wes@infosink.com>
>Not that I can see, though I'd love to know of a clean way to clear the
>scroll-back buffer.  I agree it's a bit hackish.  Can anyone come up
>with something better?

reset -Q

Cesar Augusto Rorato Crusius    __o      __o      __o      __o      __o    
Stanford University           _`\<,    _`\<,    _`\<,    _`\<,    _`\<,    
e-mail:c.crusius@ieee.org    (_)/(_)  (_)/(_)  (_)/(_)  (_)/(_)  (_)/(_)   
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(_)/(_)  (_)/(_)  (_)/(_)  (_)/(_)  (_)        (_)   (_)    (_)'  _\o_

He who sacrifices functionality for ease of use
Loses both and deserves neither

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