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testing distribution security updates?

Hi all.

I've just installed a box with packages from the testing dist.  Some
questions came to mind about security updates for packages in testing.

If a package is in the testing distribution and a security update is issued
that effects stable, testing and unstable, how long before the testing
package is updated?  Does it have to go through the full process of
maturation to make it to testing from unstable?

How about if the package in stable is not effected (i.e. only testing and
unstable are vulnerable)?  Would there be any notification on the
security-announce list?  Would the updated packed be backported or otherwise
pushed into testing?  How soon?

Would you recommend keeping a line in /etc/apt/sources.list for the security
server's stable collection if the box is running on testing or unstable

Thanks for the info,

PS: Please cc me in responses as I am not subscribed to the list.

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