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Bug#1006987: security-tracker: DSA-5096-1 vs. tracker

Package: security-tracker
Severity: normal


In [DSA-5096-1], several CVEs are said to be fixed for buster in
linux/4.19.232-1 .
However, one of them is [CVE-2021-4202], which seems to be missing from
the corresponding [DSA tracker page] (maybe because that CVE is not
included in the list at the beginning of the DSA?). 

[DSA-5096-1]: <https://lists.debian.org/debian-security-announce/2022/msg00063.html>
[CVE-2021-4202]: <https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/CVE-2021-4202>
[DSA tracker page]: <https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/DSA-5096-1>

If this is unintended, please fix the tracker data.
Otherwise, please clarify.

Thanks for your time and patience!

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