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Bug#1001451: Candidate script updates

On Wed, 26 Jan 2022 10:10:04 +0100
Salvatore Bonaccorso <carnil@debian.org> wrote:

> Hi Neil,
> I think, if there are no objections from other, that we can look
> forward into merging the grab-cve-fixes and merge-cve-list updates.


I haven't set a reviewer or assignee for the MR.

> While testing there was one minor glitch which might be checked later
> if we want to have it fixed, please double check if my claim is
> correct. If a list to be merged contains a listing of a reserved CVE,
> say something like
> CVE [temporary description]
> 	- source fixedversion
> 	NOTE: note
> then merge-cve-list will stumple over the RESERVED keyword. Bu this
> can easily be workrounded by cleaning up the list one want to merge by
> the RESERVED keywords.

I can look at that as an extension of the existing bug report, I've
also got the REJECTED support to add to update-vuln for Moritz.

> Maybe you can put both in a MR and give others say until end of week
> time to object on both scripts updates and then go ahead with the
> merging.
> I have not looked at the third script (update-vuln), I had so far
> little usecases to directly work with it.
> Regards and thanks a lot for your work on this part as well.
> Salvatore

Neil Williams

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