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Re: script to add DSA's to tracker disabled

On Wed, 22 Dec 2010 21:25:59 +0100 Thijs Kinkhorst wrote:

> Hi,

Hi Thijs!

> I ran a script that automatically added released DSA's to data/DSA/list. As 
> this script uses bin/dsa2list and that tool cannot cope with the changed 
> advisory format, it doesn't make sense to keep committing half parsed 
> advisories.

I am not sure I understand what you are proposing: are you saying that
the automatic tracker update should be temporarily suspended, until
dsa2list is fixed to parse the new advisory format?
I hope dsa2list may be updated soon...

May I go on reporting inconsistencies between DSAs and tracker data,
whenever I notice any?

Please let me know.

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