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Re: Submitting multiple CVEs in the same bug report

* Michael S. Gilbert <michael.s.gilbert@gmail.com> [2009-04-10 13:31]:
> What is the modus operandi for submitting multiple CVEs in the same bug
> report?
> I ask because I recently submitted a bug on php5 and got pushback from
> the maintainer saying that I should not have submitted multiple
> vulnerabilites in one report [1].

I CCed seanius to this as he was the one who said that. In 
general there is no consensus about that but just some 
maintainers prefer that.

> >From my perspective, being able to submit multiple vulns makes the job
> of the security team (and assistants) much easier and straightforward.
> And if the maintainer prefers to track vulnerabilities individually,
> then they always have the option to do so at their own leisure (via
> cloning).
> It may be useful to state this as the common practice/policy in the
> security-tracker overview doc.  If there are no objections, I will
> modify the wording to include such a statement.

I personally agree with you, it makes our job a lot easier 
and the maintainer always has the ability to clone and 
retitle bugs. However there are some cases in which I 
refrain from reporting one big report. In case you can 
subdivide the vulnerabilities in parts which logically fit 
in the same category I think it makes more sense to split 
them instead of reporting one huge grave bug.

I don't think there's a general answer for this.

Nico Golde - http://www.ngolde.de - nion@jabber.ccc.de - GPG: 0x73647CFF
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