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DTSA-131-1 ?

Hi all!

I don't understand which vulnerabilities is DTSA-131-1 supposed to fix.
The tracker page [1] does not mention any CVE or bug.
The svn repository file data/DTSA/list does not either.

[1] http://security-tracker.debian.net/tracker/DTSA-131-1

BTW, I've noticed a typo in the repository file data/DTSA/list:
it seems that the date of DTSA-132-1 has the wrong year (2007 rather
than 2008)...

Thank you for keeping the fight for Debian security!

P.S.: Please Cc: me on replies, as I am not a list subscriber.  Thanks.

 The nano-document series is here!
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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Description: PGP signature

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