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Check-syntax pre-commit hook installed

Hi all,

I've installed the pre-commit hook that checks the syntax of committed files 
to the repository now. If you get an error you probably need to fix your 
commit :-) If you encounter any trouble please let me know. Commits with log 
message "automatic update" are ignored for the check.

One thing that's still open, is that appearently the check-syntax script only 
reports one error at a time. That should not normally be a problem though. 
There's also a "svnlook: Can't write to stream: Broken pipe" when an error 
occurs, but that's a cosmetic issue only.

If you need to disable it in an emergency, edit 
alioth:/srv/svn.debian.org/svn/secure-testing/hooks/pre-commit and comment 
out the call to check-file.

There's a checkout of our repository at /home/groups/secure-testing/repo. It 
needs to be updated only if check-syntax is changed or any of the other files 
that check-syntax includes.

I hope this will reduce the number of commit-fix-commit occurances.


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