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Re: Causa Radare2 / Cutter / Rizin


On 02/01/2024 16:39, Robert Haist wrote:
Hi team,

As I initially introduced the radare2-cutter package into Debian I would like to bring up the proposal to remove it.

The upstream situation around the two projects and their front-ends is still flaky and I don't see any value to keep it in unstable or even testing/stable as-is.

Yep, as you might have seen, the frontend for radare2 would now be iaito, that was forked from cutter [1]. But packaging it alone wouldn't help much, without also maintaining the radare2 package. Indeed, it seems that nobody really maintains it at the moment, there was no commit on this repo for 2 years [2].

Alternatively, one could step up to package the "concurrent stack": rizin that was forked from radare2 [3], and then cutter that is now based on rizin [4].

So far, there was no interest, according to wnpp-check:

$ wnpp-check iaito
$ wnpp-check rizin
$ wnpp-check cutter

I had a look a while ago, but those are quite big packages, with daunting debian/copyright. Maintaining both in parallel feels like a waste. Maintaining only one stack (either radare2/iaito or rizin/cutter) sounds more feasible, but someone has to step up to do the job.

In any case, as you pointed out, radare2-cutter has to go. Either it's renamed in radare2-iaito, and points to the new upstream, or it's removed from Debian entirely. I'm fine with both.

[1] https://github.com/radareorg/iaito
[2] https://salsa.debian.org/pkg-security-team/radare2
[3] https://github.com/rizinorg/rizin
[4] https://github.com/rizinorg/cutter

As I never removed any package in my time at Debian I would be glad to get some pointers/help what the currently accepted procedure is.

I think you did it right with your email to ftp master :)

Thanks for caring! Happy new year,


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