Hi Sven, On 24.10.23 01:13, Sven Geuer wrote:
Thanks for pointing this out. However, I am unsure if lintian would still complain in regards to argon2 (and also dnstwist) as the package is not a new one anymore. The explanation in [1] cleary states This package appears to be the first packaging of a new upstream software package (there is only one changelog entry and the Debian revision is 1) and uses a date-based versioning scheme such as YYYYMMDD-1. and upstream kept using the YYYYMMDD versioning scheme since the beginning in 2015 (they might change their mind, though).
as you suspect the Linitian tag is only emitted if the number of changelog entries is one. The reason is that it is too late to switch to the suggested versioning scheme after the first upload. Once an upload with a date-based versioning scheme has been done, an epoch likely needs to be introduced in case upstream switches to a conventional versioning scheme. Therefore this Lintian hint become pointless after the first upload. Still the reasoning to avoid prefix-less date-based versioning schemes remains valid.
Best regards, Peter